Letters to Westfield - Westfield Online

I've worked with computers (at home and work since 1984). I've had 11 years experience with hundreds of programs. And I must say, so far, Westfield's computerized order form program is first class. Easy to understand, easy to use, and very professional.

Congratulations for making the easiest comic ordering form in the business even easier.

David William Banks

I just received this program in the mail and I think it is wonderful!!! Talk about user friendly! This will probably make me order more each month, like I need an added incentive...

Anthony King

Just wanted to say, 'Thank You!!!' for getting the order information on-line. What a tremendous time saver! And, no offense intended, I find it a lot easier to read than the paper order form. (Although our four-year-old son will be very sad - he always gets the adding machine paper after I've totaled, retotaled, and re-checked the Westfield order. No more 30-foot-long adding machine paper strips to play with! Awww ...)

And this message capability is wonderful! Thank you so much for the years of enjoyment you have enabled us to share!

Linda Wicklund

You guys and gals are doing a great job! This is my first order through Westfield Online. I'm an e-mail administrator for a network of 5,000+ users and it's great to see advances in technology change everyday life! The interface that you've created can be appreciated by novices as well as experienced professionals like me.

David Glenn Standish

I'd just like to say that the new ordering system is fantastic! It's unbelievable how well you've crafted the ordering system…

I love the ability to send the order electronically and also to have it do all the calculations…

Keep up the good work!

Jeff William Rohde

I just gotta say I love the Westfield Online upgrade.

Keep up the good work.

A Happy Customer,

John G. Moses

I love Westfield Online V. 1.1! The new features that have been added (specifically Auto-fill and descriptions) allowed me to fill out my order in half the time it usually takes. Thanks, and keep on growing!

Darryl Powell

Just had to drop a note to let you all know what a great job I think you are doing. You're computer based ordering system has made ordering so much simpler, I can't imagine ever going back. Keep up the excellent work. It really is appreciated

Rob Bucher

Dear Westfield,

To understate my reaction to the expanded on-line order form, I will say that I am totally overwhelmed. I just about fell off my chair after loading in the order that I up-loaded using the old version into the new version. I thought that the reason it took so long to receive the new version of the software was that you had decided to wait until next month to implement the enhancements. I had no idea everything was starting this month. I'm sure I'll be adding at least a few things this month but how about Tarzan Vol.9 HC and more of the Prince Valiant SC Vols. No, wait a minute, maybe just rotate the listings or else I'll get croaked! To think, I was just hoping that a few smaller publishers would maybe get listed!

Ever thankful for Westfield, be seeing you!

James M. Talbot

Using the online ordering software is a breeze. I actually enjoy filling out my order now. I also like the improvements in v1.1. Two items in particular - the current account balance and the product descriptions. Well for what was supposed to be a short note.... But when you start talking about something you truly enjoy and like one could go on and on and on and.........................

Keep up the excellent work.


Marc Audette

I just wanted to say how much I truly appreciate your new software. I thought when Westfield Online was first released that it was a great idea. Now you've taken a great idea and made it even better.

First and foremost is the addition of hundreds of items onto the available list of things to order. Variety is the spice of life, and Westfield has outdone itself with its new and extensive selection of products.

Secondly, having the descriptions of the products built right into the on-screen list is wonderful! I no longer have to sit here and flip through the magazine, locate the item I want and then find it on the list. Now I single-click on the item and a full description is right there on the bottom of the window. Marvelous!

The ability to just double-click on an item is a great time saver, too. Being a mouse-oriented person, it makes ordering that much simpler (though it's not like it was overly complicated before).

And then there's what I'm so looking forward to next month - the ability to recall the previous month's order. I buy a considerable number of comics every month, and with so many new titles and mini-series popping up on each form, it can get rather difficult for me to remember everything. And more than once I've simply missed checking off one or two items just because my eyes skipped a line. Now it looks like I won't have to worry about missing my favorite ongoing titles!

Thanks so much for the upgrade and for all the great service you've provided me over the last six years.

Susan Lynn Grau

The computer age is here ... I just hope I'm up to it ... you know these new-fangled computers are just a phase right? Never gonna last and we're gonna have to learn a whole new system ... but while we wait I'm sure glad to be able to send my first order to Westfield this way. Good luck on the new setup.

John E. Kachik

This is the first order I am submitting using your new online order form, and I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate this new option. Due to the travel associated with my job, the online ordering is much more convenient and easier, especially since my travels may bring me home with only two or three days to do various things, including filling out my order form. This way, I can download the order form , fill it out, and send it back in an afternoon.

Matthew Davis

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